A Brief Study of the Situational Teaching Method of English in Junior Middle School开题报告

 2023-01-17 07:01

1. 研究目的与意义

Nowadays, pupils in junior middle school study English every day. Nevertheless, many pupils refuse to study English. How can we change this and make students interested in English? As we know, pupils prefer interesting things. Therefore, the situational teaching method can be a good way, which has not been widely introduced to junior middle schools. The title will focus on the brief study of this method in junior middle school.

2. 研究内容和预期目标


a brief study of the situational teaching method of english in junior middle school


3. 国内外研究现状

in foreign countries, in 1960s, a psychiatry doctor, psychologist g. lozanov created suggestopedia which focuses on arrangements, decorations and the use of music in classroom. suggestopedia is associated with situational teaching, combining real contexts with students#8217; emotions. since then, g. lozanov introduces the situational teaching method to the whole world. in the mid 1980s, crookes willis and nunan referred task-based language teaching which proposes to finish the task of language application in real situations. rodger (2004) believes that the most meaningful learning will be achieved by doing. so the language teachers#8217; responsibility for students is to construct the real situations to help students learn.

at home, in 1978, the research of situational teaching was derived from the experiment of lijilin. her situational teaching method requires varied teaching situations to arouse students#8217; positive emotions. and she believes that the emotion is the lifeblood of situational language teaching and creativity. wangjinru (2005) put forward the significance of applying the situational teaching method which can enhance the teaching efficiency. also, she points out if teachers can create efficient situations to make students have interests. students then can solve problems actively and can improve their competency of dealing with problems. in 2014, lijilin receives the national reward of education due to her contributions in terms of the situational teaching, which indicates that the situational teaching has been highly valued by our nation.


4. 计划与进度安排

1. the study objects: junior middle school students.

2. the research tool: questionnaires.

3. the study procedure:


5. 参考文献

[1].jack. richards and theodore s. rodgers. approaches and methods in

language teaching [m]. beijing: foreign language teaching and

researching press, 2004.

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