The Chinese-English Translation of Political News Stories from the Cross-Cultural Perspective开题报告

 2023-01-15 03:01

1. 研究目的与意义

Nowadays with the improvement of the status, C-E translation of political news stories from the cross-cultural perspective becomes more and more essential in our country. China is not the weak appearance anymore. As an international medium of communication, it plays an important role in the world cultural integration. In the field of news translation, they usually pay attention to style of analysis and language level. Cross-cultural perspective issues have not received enough attention. It has extraordinary significance. It can show the good image of China, spread Chinese position and political views, and enhance the country''s soft power. It can also create a favorable international public opinion environment, enhance mutual understanding between countries. Translation of political news stories from the cross-cultural perspective has cross-language, cross-cultural, cross-border features. In some senses, it also belongs to external communication activities, a completely foreign cultural communication activity. The translation plays an irreplaceable role in the development of Chinese and foreign historical and cultural changes in society, whatever now or in the future, the translation function will not weaken, but will continue to enhance the exchanges. By this way, foreigners can easily understand the meaning of some authentic words in China.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The research content: The Chinese-English Translation of Political News Stories from the Cross-Cultural Perspective.Firstly, it introduces the two news translation#8217;s role in cross-cultural communication. Secondly, there are some knowledge about influential factors and strategies. By this way it can explain the translation in more detail. Lastly, thinking model and some problems in translation.The key problem to be solved: how to make the C-E translation of political news from the cross-cultural perspective more directly.Outline:Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Cultural Factors in Political News Translation 2.1Cultural Transfer2.2 Cultural Stereotype2.3Counter Cultural MigrationChapter Three Problems in Cross-Cultural Political News Translation3.1Over-domestication 3.2Thought Patterns3.2.1Chinese Thinking Model3.2.2English Thinking Model3.3 Historical Figures and EventsChapter Four Strategies in the Political News Translation 4.1Literal Translation4.2 Free Translation Chapter Five Conclusion5.1 Implications 5.2 Limitations of the Research5.3 Suggestions for the Future Research

3. 国内外研究现状

According to Christian Nord(1997:34) #8220;Translating means comparing cultures. Translators interpret source culture phenomena in the light of their own culture-specific knowledge of that culture, from either the inside or the outside, depending on whether the translation is from or into the translator#8217;s native language and culture.#8221; In the process of this comparison, translators not only import cultural values and carry out a unilateral transfer from a source language into a target language, but also cross and blur the lines between foreign cultural values and those of their own society. Aixel(1996)a provided a definition for culture-specific item .Different textual status, according to Aixela, refers to a different value caused by different ideology, habit or frequency of use.Besides the above points, Wang Zuoliang (2000:2) once pointed out that #8220;The greatest difficulty in translation lies in the differences between two cultures. What is self-evident in one culture has to be painstakingly explained in another culture.#8221; There have less research that based on the theory, especially for the previous comment. The research main focuses on the language and language teaching.

4. 计划与进度安排

Deciding topic stage: this title of this paper was chosen on November in 2022. During that month, I prepared the proposal report that explains the reason and the purpose of this paper, states the outline and makes plan of how to finish this paper. And at the same time I have to look though some websites to collect information about my paper. Then, I will spend about two months to prepare my first draft. My paper mainly contains five parts: introduction, factors in political news translation, the strategy of cross-cultural political news translation, some problems and solutions in the translation, conclusion. There is much information over there. The first part of my paper _research background and research purpose needs less time to prepare. The second part is factors in political news translation, including cultural transfer, cultural stereotype, and counter cultural migration. This is a large part; I need to prepare much useful information. So I consume two week to finish. The third part, the strategy of cross-cultural political news translation, requires a high level of the proficiency of the knowledge. I would seek for some reference books. Last part is conclusion.

5. 参考文献

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