
 2023-08-30 08:08

1. 文献综述

Many scholars have paid attention to Xu’s Three Beauty Theory (Wang Xiqiang, 2002; Dang Zhengsheng, 2008; Zeng Xianghong, 2012; Shen Guorong, 2015). Among them, Zhu Yishu (2018) not only studies Xu’s cultural stand and mission in translation, but also probes into the cultural consciousness of the translation subject in the light of his practice and contribution to the foreign translation of Chinese poetry. Furthermore, she analyzes the foresight embodied in Xu’s translation thinking and exploration and points out that the importance and development of the study of Chinese and foreign translation is an important embodiment of Xu’s forward-looking and pioneering translation thought. Dang Zhengsheng (2008) also reveals the important guiding significance of Xu’s theory of Three Modernizations and Three Beauty Theory to the practice of poetry translation. By combing and analyzing the philosophical basis and time background of Xu’s translation theory, Tan Jianghua and Xu Jun (2018) affirm his theoretical contribution and academic value. In addition, Shen Guorong (2015) expands the translation space of national literature on the basis of Xu’s Three Beauty Theory. Wang Xiqiang (2002) also uses this theory to measure the gains and losses of Xu’s English translation of ancient poems. Important to note, Xu’s Three Beauty Theory is mainly aimed at the translation of poetry, and it is precisely because poetry is the particularity of literary form that it is better to explain the specific “elegance” of each style. The Romance of Western Chamber translated by Xu takes the Three Beauty Theory as an example to show the aesthetics of words.Dang, Zhengsheng. (2008) . “The Simultaneous Translation of ‘Three Modernizations’ into ‘Everlasting Hate’, and the Complete Poems of ‘Three Beauties’ Such As ‘Song’-- Appreciation of Xu Yuanchong's English Translation of the Song of Everlasting Regret ”. Foreign Language Education. Vol. 29, No. 1: 83-87.Dang, Zhengsheng. (2007) . “A Model of the Three Beauties and a Wonderful Work in the Translation Court-- A Comment on Xu Yuanchong's English Translation of the Crying Banquet of The Western Chamber” . Foreign Language Education. Vol. 28, No. 1: 91-94.Gentzler, Edwin. (1993) . “Contemporary Translation Theories”. London and New York. Routledge: 193-198Nida, E A. (2001) . Language, Cultural and Translating. Hohhot: Inner Mongolia University Press.Ou, Yangyue. (2018) . “On the English Translation of Culture-Loaded Words in The Story of the Western Chamber from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence”. Overseas English: 114-116.Tan, Jianghua, Xu, Jun. (2018) . “The characteristics and Tendency of Xu Yuanchong's Theoretical Thinking in Translation”. Foreign Language Education. No. 5, No. 171: 51-67.Shen, Guorong. (2015) . “Expanding the Translation Space of National Literature Based on Xu Yuanchong's Theory of Three Beauties”. Guizhou Ethnic Studies. No. 1, Vol. 36, No. 167: 119-122.Venuti, L. (1994) . “Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identity”. Current Issues in Language and Society (1) : 201-217.Wang, Shifu. (1995) . XiXiangJi [The Romance of Western Chamber] . People’s Literature Publishing House.Wang, Sa. (2018) . “A study on the Evolutionary Trend of the English Translation of Tang Poetry in the Context of Fragmented Reading-A Case Study of Xu Yuanchong's English Translation of Tang Poetry” . Journal of Xi'an Foreign Studies University. Vol. 26, No. 4: 98-102.Wang, Xiqiang. (2002) . “On the Gains and Losses of Xu Yuanchong's Theory of ‘Three Beauties’ in the English Translation of Ancient Poems”. Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) : 328-333.Xu Jun. (2000) . Translation Thinking. Wuhan: Hubei Education Press.Xu, Ju, Guo, yi. (2017) . “On the Reconstruction of Artistic Conception in the English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry-Taking Xu Yuanchong's English Version of Pi Pa Xing as an Example”. Journal of South Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition). Vol. 37, No. 3:172-175.Xu,Yuanchong. (1984) . The Art of Translation . Beijing: China Foreign Translation and Publishing Company.Xu,Yuanchong. (1997) . The Romance of Western Chamber. Changsha: Hunan Publishing House.Xu,Yuanchong. (2003) . Literature and Translation . Beijing: Peking University Press.Zeng, Xianghong. (2012) . “The Translation of Ancient Poetry from the Perspective of ‘Three Beauty Equivalence’--Taking Xu Yuanchong's English Translation of Ancient Poetry as an Example”. Jiangxi Social Sciences. No. 11: 246-249.Zhu, Yishu. (2017) . “On the Foresight of Xu Yuanchong's Translation Thoughts”. Foreign Language Education. Vol. 38, No. 1: 92-96.Zhu, Yishu. (2017) . “Language Relations and ‘Giving Full Play to the Advantages of the Target Language’ -- An Analysis of Xu Yuanchong's Theory of the Advantages of the Target Language”. Chinese Translators Journal. No. 4: 65-70.Zhu, Yishu. (2018) . “On Xu Yuanchong's Cultural Stand and Mission Responsibility in Translation”. Foreign Language Education. No. 5, No. 171: 57-61.Zhu, Yishu. (2020) . “An Analysis of ‘The Root of China’ in Xu Yuanchong's Translation Thought”. Foreign Language Education. Vol. 41, No. 3: 94-98.Zhu,Yishu. (2021) . “XuYuanchong’s Road to the Creation of Beauty in Translation and the Theory of ‘ Three Modernization’ ”. Journal of XISU. Vol. 4: 82-86.

2. 研究内容和问题

Engagingin literary translation for more than 60 years, XuYuanchong had an international influenceworldwide. In 2010, Xuwas awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Translation Culture.”Four years later, hewas awarded the Northern Lights Outstanding Literary Translation Award, one of the highest awards in the international translation industry, and he was the first Asian translator to receive this award.Translatinginto and from multiple languages (Chinese, English, French),Xutranslated a number of Chinese and foreign masterpieces, such as Shijing [Book of Poetry], Xixiangji[The Romance of Western Chamber], Madame Bovary, Red and Black,and so on. Through those translation practices, Xu establishedhisowntranslation theory, “Three Beauty Theory”.Put forward by Xu, this theory is literally about thebeauty of sense, beauty of sound,and beauty of form.

3. 设计方案和技术路线

By comparing the original text of The Romance of Western Chamber with Xu’s translation, this article discusses how Xu usesThree Beauty Theory in histranslation practice, analyzing his masterly translation strategies in culling words, creating rhymes and constructing sentences. In what follows, I will employ the Three Beauty Theory to examine Xu’s translation of The Romance of Western Chamber.My analysis can be divided into three parts: the reproduction of beauty in sense, the reproduction of beauty in sound and the reproduction of beauty in form.

4. 研究的条件和基础

1.Undertheguidanceoftheinstructorofthethesis,16domesticliteraturesand3foreignliteraturesweresortedoutfromChinaknowledgeNetworkandotherdatabases.2. Byreadingrelevantbooks,Ihaveapreliminaryunderstandingoftheauthorandhisworks.

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