A Study on the E-C Translation of Metaphors in Bob Dylans Lyrics from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology 生态翻译学视域下鲍勃·迪伦歌词中修辞格的汉译研究开题报告

 2023-04-15 09:04

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1.IntroductionThe book America Today states: The 1950s are often seen as a time of contentment for most Americans (Colin Cripps 1988:378). Western music and art in the 20th century were greatly affected by social changes, and they were constantly seeking breakthroughs. Brand-new music styles and forms were constantly emerging, and Bob Dylan was one of the representative figures and has always been the focus of peoples attention for decades. Focus, who has contributed to American popular music and even popular culture, is an icon in American and European political and cultural change. Rock author Steven Davis said, I think 1965 was the first year of rock and roll. The baby boomer generation, leaving their teenage years, came of age and succeeded in the arts (Seven Ages of Rock: The Birth of Rock, 2007). Massachusetts District Attorney G. Byrne once said: Rock music is for young.The rascals find excuses to get together. It provoked teenage youth for lewd purposes (Ewen, 1977: 569).In 2016, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. As the first pop musician to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, this is not only a recognition of the literary value of his lyrics creation but also makes people have a new understanding and thinking about the relationship between music and literature. From the very beginning of their birth, American folk songs have a distinct popular character, which is reflected in their popular musical skills, casual lyrics expression, and down-to-earth song content. Folk songwriters believe that gorgeous rhetoric and complicated rhetoric are the products of the elite culture of the upper class and are incompatible with the general public; only popular words are more universal. Especially in the creation of lyrics, the choice of words and sentences must be simple and easy to understand to achieve a heart-to-heart resonance with the audience.Dylans lyrics are at the heart of his identity issues: the lyrics form the basis of his artistic reputation and drive his various symbolic identities and roles. The influence of TS Eliot, Franois Villon, Rimbaud, and even Shakespeare can also be found in the shadows of literary masters, who often use religious imagery and religious legends. Lyrics often use parallels and refrains and use metaphors and symbolism in large numbers to address current shortcomings or express inner feelings, which has a strong literary expressive force. Still an unavoidable problem in lyrics translation. For the translation of lyrics, the focus of translation and translation is no longer just to ensure the transmission of information so that readers can obtain the original information as completely as possible, but to show readers the writing characteristics of the original as faithfully as possible just like the translation of literary works. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which expounds on the research background, research purpose, and overall structure of this paper. Chapter two is a literature review, including the principles and methods of Eco-translatology, figures of speech in Bob Dylans lyrics, and how to apply Eco-translatology to the translation of Bob Dylans lyrics. Chapter Three is the theoretical framework. Chapter Four presents detailed analysis of the translation of major rhetorical figures in Bob Dylons lyrics. Chapter Five is the concluding part, which summarizes the major findings, points out limitations, and puts forward suggestions for further study.2. Literature review2.1 Eco-translatologyEco-translatology, founded in 2001, has started to explore, formed theories, and advocated the integration of learning, and it has continued to multiply and expand, and its research results have been enriched. and participation, including Edwin Gentzler (USA), Kristen Malmkjear (UK), Marry Snell Hornby (Australia), Douglas Robinson (Hong Kong of China), and other international translation scholars in recent years (Jiang Xiaohua et al., 2011). Eco-translatology is an emerging translation theory that has attracted much attention in recent years. Its main content is to form cultural correspondence based on the correspondence of languages, so that readers who read translated texts can truly appreciate the same artistic conception and ideological connotation of the original author of the text. In the process of translation, it is necessary to fully combine the ecological environment and survival background of the language itself to form an effective correspondence between different languages so as to form a targeted translation, which is the main translation of ecological translation studies. Skill. Because this theoretical thought is similar to the theory of natural selection in the ecosystem, it is called ecological translation studies. This concept originated from the ecological translation theory proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen, and was further explained and deepened in The Philosophical Justification of the Theory of Translation Adaptation and Selection. This paper puts forward the theoretical thought of translation is adaptation and selection, which is mainly derived from the philosophical thought of harmony between man and nature in ancient China and the thought of survival of the fittest and natural selection in the theory of biological evolution. Combined, the embryonic form of eco-translatology was formed. Since then, Professor Hu Gengshen has enriched the theoretical system of eco-translatology once again by means of integration and advocated the translation principle of three-dimensional transformation, that is, the adaptability between the language dimension, the cultural dimension, and the communicative dimension. convert. Excellent translation works are often the active multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptation of the translator himself. Based on the results of gender transformation, the excellent degree of translation works can be evaluated based on the overall adaptability and selectivity, and the text translation can be rectified and improved.2.2 The Image Characteristics of Bob Dylans LyricsApart from acting on human senses, imagery builds a bridge of communication between readers and poets, enabling readers to enter the artistic conception of poetry under the guidance of images and be intoxicated with poetic sentiment. Imagery has another feature. Image language usually requires is constructed with the help of some rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, repetition, and comparison. Terence Hawkes pointed out in On Metaphor: Metaphor is the language of poetry and the foundation of poetry. Without metaphor, there is no poetry. Dylan often uses metaphor, repetition, and alignment in the process of composing lyrics. The rhetorical techniques are used to construct the image and add a poetic beauty to the lyrics. Michael Roos paper Fixin to Die: The DeathTheme in the Music of Bob Dylan examines imagery and themes in Bob Dylans poetry, respectively. But all focus on the appreciation of songs and lyrics.In the word Heavy Rain is Coming, the image language hard rain that runs through the whole word adopts metaphorical rhetoric. Combined with the imagery of the entire word, people naturally associate hard rain with the tense political situation in the United States at that time, and hard rain is a metaphor for a nuclear bomb rain that may come at any time. As a product of nature, rainstorm has its characteristicssudden and violent. Dylan used the metaphor of war as a torrential rain, implying that this possible war is unexpected, and it also shows the ferocity of this war. Dylan uses metaphors to make readers realize peoples attitudes towards war and the nature of the war through the familiar image of a rainstorm, thus avoiding redundant statements and making the lyrics more poetic. In addition, and its a hard, its a hard, its a hard, its a hard, its a hard rains a gonna fall appears in each measure as spaced repetitions, and its a hard as immediate repetitions appear in a sentence. This series of repeated techniques not only makes the whole word structure more compact and highlights the theme of the lyrics, but also strengthens the emotional expression and makes the lyrics beautiful in rhythm. In addition, a series of images in the lyrics are presented in the form of parallels: Dylan uses a series of I saw... I heard... I met... sentence patterns in each measure. , presents this terrifying world to readers in an overwhelming style, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Dylan metaphors war as a torrential rain in nature, which produces a more intuitive effect and stronger impact to readers. The use of repetition and parallel rhetorical devices makes the lyrics neat and rhythmic and also facilitates the poet to express strong emotions and plays a prominent role. It is the series of rhetorical devices Dylan used in the process of lyrics creation to promote poetic expression of the lyrics.2.3.1 Pay attention to the application of the principles of Eco-translatology in translationBalance and harmony, multi-dimensional integration, multiple symbiosis and translator responsibility are the four basic principles in ecological translation studies. This translation practice is mainly carried out under the macro guidance of balance and harmony, multi-dimensional integration, and translators responsibility. To maintain the balance between the ecology of the original language and the ecology of the target language so as to realize the survival and development of the translation in the new language, culture, and communication ecology. Under the principle of multiple symbiosis, the adaptation process of the original text and the selection process of the translation are analyzed and explained from the three dimensions of language, culture, and communication. It seeks to integrate the translation with the highest degree of adaptability and selectivity to meet the needs of audiences in the new era and uses practice to prove the feasibility of the three-dimensional transformation method in Eco-translatology in the translation of Bob Dylans lyrics.2.3.2 Pay attention to the transformation of language under ecological translation studiesIn the translation of Bob Dylan lyrics, language adaptation is carried out, that is, the translator changes the language form during the translation process. Adaptive selection transitions. Chinese and English belong to two major language systems, and they are greatly different in terms of language structure and wording due to the influence of thinking mode and expression habits. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator should make selective transformations in language form, sentence structure, and rhetorical devices under the premise of adapting to the language ecology of the source language, to realize the meaning, style and aesthetics of the sentence between the source language and the target language. balance in all aspects.The biggest difference in the syntactic structure of Chinese and English languages is that Chinese is a language that emphasizes connotation, that is, it pays attention to the coherence of ideas, does not seek structural integrity, and uses Italian to form, and the sentence structure is relatively loose; English is just the opposite, it is heavy. In the language of combination, in form, connectives are often used to connect sentences between sentences, and the relationship and logic between sentence components are more obvious. Therefore, English and Chinese belong to two different translation ecological environments. In the process of translating Bob Dylans lyrics from Chinese to English, the translator should pay attention to realizing the conversion from conjunctive to metaphorical.When translating Bob Dylans lyrics, we should pay attention to the use of figures of speech. The use of figures of speech is a common method in literary writing, which can not only make the language lively, but also increase the overall beauty and artistic appeal of the article. On the one hand, it can also show the authors own literary talent and language skills. For Chinese-English translation, if the translation can accurately convey the original information on the basis of retaining the original style, it can greatly improve the integration and adaptability of the translation.2.4.1 Foreign Studies on the Translation of Bob Dylans LyricsForeign scholars have also done some research on lyrics translation. Like domestic scholars, some foreign scholars agree that lyrics translation belongs to the category of literary translation. Heloisa Cintrao studies the functionality and fidelity of lyrics translation and believes that lyrics translation is similar to poetry translation, and Gilberto Gils translation method should be adopted, that is, using a broad semantic field as a translation unit and Using methods of domestication and alienation to achieve cultural adaptation (2009: 813). Elaine Hewitt studies how Spanish students translate Spanish songs into English. According to Hewitt, song translation can serve as the content of translation lessons, and popular song translation can prepare for poetry translation and drama translation. In addition, students mainly focus on vocabulary when translating, and most of the mistakes made in translation are grammatical mistakes. Therefore, teachers should pay attention when teaching. Teachers should emphasize grammar when teaching (2000: 187) Other scholars have studied the strategies of lyrics translation. Peter Low summarizes effective strategies for translating songs in his book Translating Song: Lyrics and Texts, centered around translating songs in different contexts for different audiences, song subtitle translation, Singing Translation and the Pentathlon Approach and Translating Expressive Texts discuss four themes (2016: 19) Johan Franzon discusses the choice of song translation strategies and the concept of singability from a functional perspective.There are also some foreign scholars who select a specific type of music from a micro perspective and conduct research on the translation of its lyrics. Senem ner looks at the lyrics of Turkish and Kurdish folk songs, arguing that there is an overlooked part of translation and music that is often embedded in the broader socio-political context of folk songs. In the translation of Kurdish folk songs into Turkish, the integrity of Kurdish lyrics themes was removed (2008: 244), thus sparking social and political controversy. Suharto and Subroto studied the equivalence of church lyrics, examining the meaning of lyrics and sentences in church songs and their impact on songs. Gritsenko and Aleshinskaya discuss the role of translation in popular songs, Think Translation is like transcoding: it increases the expressiveness of a song by creating musical and linguistic meaning ( 2016: 165).2.4.2 Research on the Translation of Bob Dylans Lyrics in ChinaWith the closer communication between China and the West, more and more English songs are spread in China, so the translation of English lyrics has become more and more important. More and more scholars turn their attention to lyrics translation. First, some scholars believe that when translating lyrics, the principles of literary translation should be upheld. Mu Les Some Notes on the English-Chinese Translation of Lyrics believes that the translation of lyrics belongs to the category of literary translation and should follow the relevant laws of literary translation. Bai Jings Lyric Translation from the Perspective of Deconstruction believes that the translator should jump out of the narrow framework of the original text under the viewpoint of deconstruction, As a special form of poetry translation, lyrics translation should reproduce its art under the theory of deconstruction. beauty, which enables the original to spread (2013: 111). Tang Yanfang and Gao Zhans On the Poetry and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Chinese Translation of Lyrics points out that lyrics translation can learn from the translation strategies and methods of poetry. Starting from Xu Yuanchongs three beauties principle, the authors point out that while conveying the meaning of the original text, Also take into account the type of song, the context in which it was created,Sentence length, antithesis, and rhythm, translators must fully understand the original text, comprehensively consider, ponder, and integrate the three in order to translate good lyrics translation works, giving readers the double beauty of lyrics and melody to enjoy. (2017: 77) Although the academic community has mixed opinions on the Swedish Academy of Literature awarding the Nobel Prize for Literature to Bob Dylan, it is enough to show the literary value of his work. Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature, which made the attention of domestic academic circles continue to heat up. However, it is regrettable that although Dylans lyrics are important popular literature classics in cross-cultural communication, However, there are very few translation studies related to his words. Lu Beibei discusses Dylans different images in my countrys music and poetry circles and the United States by sorting out the history of translation and introduction and analyzes the reasons for the differences from the perspective of comparative literary imagery. The translation task and process of the book Bob Dylan: The Story Behind 492 Songs is described, and the problems existing in the translation process are analyzed and summarized through case analysis. These related studies have certain theoretical and practical significance for the translation and introduction of Dylans lyrics in China, but there is no research to analyze the Chinese translation of Dylans lyrics from the perspective of translation aesthetic theory and to translate his lyrics into Chinese. Instructive suggestions are provided for aesthetic problems arising in practice.In addition, other scholars believe that the translated lyrics must take into account the melody of the song and strive to adapt to listening and singing. Jiang Yujias English-Chinese Translation of Lyrics focuses on the skills used in lyrics translation, using the German functionalist translation theory, and believes that lyric translation is purposeful behavior, and the translation should strive to be suitable for listening and singing. If this purpose cannot be achieved, It means that the value of the translation has not been fully realized (2003: 4). Wang Heyus Translation of Edelweiss Lyrics from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis argues that functional grammar has operability in lyrics translation and that the equivalence of the syllables in the original text and the translation should be considered (2007: 85). Men Fengs Analysis of Chinese Translation of English Lyrics from the Perspective of Eco-translatology Taking Viva La Vida as an Example explores the Chinese translation of English lyrics from the perspective of eco-translatology. Dimensional and phonological dimension selection transformation, resulting in higher quality translations (2013: 26).

2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

The main purpose of this study is to discuss the application of Eco-translatology in the Chinese translation of figures of speech in Bob Dylans lyrics. First of all, we need to know what to pay attention to when translating works using Eco-translatology. Secondly, we will study the rhetorical characteristics of Bob Dylans lyrics. Finally, we examine how the figures of speech in Bob Dylans lyrics have been translated into Chinese with the help of Eco-translatology.Bob Dylans original lyrics are available on the Internet. We need to study the E-C translation of figures of speech in Bob Dylans lyrics. After choosing the lyrics, I will study the rhetorical devices in the lyrics, and then observe the translation effect within the framework of Eco-translatology. The questions to be addressed in this paper are as follows:(1) How are figures of speech used in to Bob Dylans lyrics? What are their functions? (2) How are these figures of speech translated into Chinese? What translation strategies have been used?(3) Does the translation of the figures of speech in Bob Dylans lyrics still have the original effect after translation under Eco-translatology?

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