A Critical Cognitive Study of Metaphors in News Reports on the Beijing Winter Olympics – Illustrated by the U.S. News 北京冬奥会相关新闻报道中隐喻的批评认知研究——以U.S. News为例开题报告

 2023-04-15 09:04

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

a cognitive critical study of metaphors in political reports on the beijing winter olympics: illustrated by the u.s. news美媒涉北京冬奥会新闻报道中隐喻的批评认知研究以u.s.news为例1.introductionmedia serves as the most direct and convenient way for people to know about what is happening around them at both home and abroad. nino (2019: 66) notes that with the development of the world, the whole systems of journalists have been established due to the emergence of the information age and that media has become the basis to produce information for almost all americans. following the leadership of donald trump, american media has gone through huge changes. traditional american media stands for the belief in freedom and fights for truth and values. while under the governance of the position of high politicization, elitism, urbanization and commercialization, politicians put their political position and profits over truth, which to some extent undermining the supervisory and persuasion role of media (zhao, 2018: 37-42). in other words, governments are trying to collude with public media to produce fake news, attempting to achieve their political and ulterior goals. in 2019, an appalling virus called corona-virus swept over the world in just few months. according to some statistical research, higher death rates, slowdown of the economy in fields like tourism, manufacturing, trade, astonishing unemployment rates, and other factors both push america to face the predicament of the present development of future development (ma yang, 2020: 2-11).in 2022, china is going to hold the olympic winter games. american media have already conducted lots of reports on chinas holding the olympic winter games. the reports that american media show to the public contain useful information about attitudes and sentiments towards china and the coming soon olympic games.at present, we no longer separate media from politics. using political discourse analysis to analyze what america media reports about china can be an effective way of evaluating their intentions and tendency towards china. politics is struggling to extend its field into so many parts like economy and social parts, where languages are used as a significant role in politics. that means articles or actions related to politics are well prepared, organized and affected by language (faith, 2010: 24). language has a crucial role in exchanging human beliefs in social life and transforms power into right or obedience into duty. the utter purpose of politicians is to convey their validity of their views or political claims by persuading their audience to believe (faith, 2010: 29). nowadays, more and more scholars are associating critical discourse with political discourses for its more influential role in todays communication worldwide, and devices like metaphor are frequently used in political speeches to increase readability and strengthen the language power of expressions.the purpose of this thesis is two-fold. first and foremost, it uses reports from the u.s. news as materials to analyze how american media comment on chinas holding the olympic winter games. through the analysis, it focuses how to find out how many kinds of metaphors are used in their reports. second, it will discover how the reports use metaphors as linguistic weapons to achieve specific goals and appeal to american people to believe or alter their previous thoughts, which can subtly manipulate their minds. this paper consists of five chapters. this thesis proceeds in the following way:chapter one is the introduction part, which involves the research background, need for the study, research purpose, and organization of the thesis. chapter two is literature review, which focuses on previous studies on critical discourse analysis, political metaphor and points out the research gap. chapter three introduces the theoretical frameworks and the methods adopted in the study. the theoretical frameworks are based on conceptual metaphor theory and critical discourse analysis theory. chapter four presents the key findings from an analysis of the research materials. and results will be revealed by adopting following methods: metaphor identification procedure and categorization to metaphor analysis.chapter five summarizes the major findings of the study, discusses the implications, points out the limitations of this study and puts forward suggestions for future research.2. literature review2.1 previous studies on critical discourse analysiscritical linguistics was proposed in 1979 by english linguistics roger fowler and gunther kress. after the development of critical discourse analysis, it soon became a popular approach among scholars. they started to dig deep into the connotations behind the language instead of just studying the surface meanings. kendall (2007) notes at that time, text linguistics and speech act theory were becoming popular which led scholars to devote themselves to the in-depth qualitative analysis of text and discourse. but scholars havent figured out the roots of cda. to break the limitations, researchers point out that the manifold roots of cda lie in what we called rhetoric (wodak on the other hand, it starts to combine cda with other subjects, making interdisciplinary approaches become possible. by using interdisciplinary approaches, linguistic scholars conduct studies from a comprehensive conception by combining linguistics, sociology, and even philosophy. the idea of combining various subjects provides scholars with inspiration. wodak (2014: 332-346) makes further efforts to note that cda, as an interdisciplinary study program, is based on the orientation to problem-solving and consists of varieties of methods with different kinds of theoretical devices, research approaches, and schemes. she realizes the importance of utilizing the practicability of cda to focus on solving realistic problems. soon the diverse roots of critical discourse analysis are found existed in text linguistics, cognitive studies, sociopsychology as well as in subjects like applied linguistics. since cda is combined with multiple subjects, the relationship between society and language is also worth noticing. linguistics defined the public sphere as a crucial element to maintain and speed up (cukier, ngwenyama, bauer, middleton, 2009). serving as a conceptual category, the public sphere consists of different parties holding distinct political perspectives, politicians, agents, extensive media professionals, especially media that are making their best to inform and transform the publics viewpoints. the media is developing rapidly during the decades, while it seems that few scholars use cda to relate to the study of media. shan (2011) notes that using critical discourse analysis to analyze news can help people understand the views implied by writers and grasp the truth of such events. the critical analysis of media discourse can be regarded as an extension of the dialectical language conception as shaped and constituted socially (fairclough, 2013). by using cda, it is common to find that media tend to discriminate the oppressed minorities while establish a positive image for authorities (romanathan hoon, 2015). for example, researchers (bouvier machin, 2018: 178-192) report cda focus on revealing how elites or powerful politicians use discourses to maintain their power and sustain social relationships. media shape their opinions to the public by using specific strategies in politics to affect agendas and frame the public issues without considering the deliberation of the citizenry. scholars (li zhang, 2022: 157-180) suggest that media prefer using stereotypes or discrimination like turmoil makers to stigmatize islam and muslims. using stereotypes contributes to peoples prejudice, which reflects media representations have important power to affect social response. lacking critical discourse analysis, its easy to be manipulated by such stereotypes.taking this into consideration, considerable attention and focus to critical analysis of the media are supposed to be noticed which can compensate for the deficiency in cda.2.2 previous studies on political metaphor analysismiller (1979) finds that the language used in political inquiry is inescapably metaphorical. though he discovers the metaphors in political inquiry, he fails to point out the functions of these metaphors or relations between human and politics. in the 1980s, an experiment was aimed at discovering the relations between american citizens and political news. the hypothesis was proposed that reading a positive metaphor had more desirable reactions in comparison to the usage of negative metaphors among people or affairs mentioned in the reports (johnson taylor, 1981:305-316). this hypothesis was confirmed because, for the subjects made of more politically complex metaphors, people who were more alert to reading political news usually were more affected by the manipulation of transformation in sentiment or sensibility. scholars also struggle to conclude the functions of political metaphors. mio (1997) suggests that theorists point out the persuasive function of metaphors in politics, which assist politicians in communicating more effectively and emotionally by delivering potential themes which reside in segments of the public subconsciousness or consciousness. this function strongly consolidates metaphors position in politics. habermas (2006) finds that: those who work in appointed sectors like politically related sectors exert power because they formulate and separate relevant information, which can easily interfere and disturb public viewpoints and sense of worth. scholars and linguistics in political studies knew the significance of metaphors in electoral and policy-related politics, realizing that metaphors are knowingly or unknowingly affecting our perception and recognition of politics (carver pikalo, 2008). as a result, eminent and charismatic leaders will constantly use metaphors to make their followers create their own meanings then establish gratification in socio-psychology and emotion (charteris-black, 2009: 97-115). also, metaphor shapes and restrains comprehension by framing with existent structures of knowledge (bougher, 2012: 145-163). during the latest studies, political metaphor is regarded as playing an important role in making up political portrait (tameryan et al., 2018). they relate metaphor to the key part of human cognitive ability because it provides restrictive insights on people and enables citizens to figure out the political world by being reminded of former experiences of nonpolitical domains. whats more, researchers find that the metaphors are even applied to political advertisements as poetic function to attract attention from the public, which cover the level of grammatical, phonology, and meaning to convey the intended information (lubis purba, 2020: 71-88). except for persuasive function, musolff (2016) makes efforts to suggest that political metaphors and related figurative discourse tools are characterized by their variability and contentiousness. based on that, the method for analyzing political metaphors should be best suited to the research questions. methodological pluralism should be advocated because understanding political metaphors is multifaceted, discourse analysis or experiments are both acceptable (thibodeau, fleming, lannen, 2019).however, interactions between human nature and political metaphors are missed in the studies. to make up for it, chinese scholars enhance the study of political metaphor analysis. he (2014: 17) suggests that politics is governed by objective laws rooted in human nature. and the basic needs of human beings include both material and spiritual needs. political behavior is a combination of idealism and realism. ideology is the cause of politics but also the result of political behavior. according to researchers (liu han, 2021), behind the visions of political metaphors is the flexibility and extensibility of ideology. therefore, it is a necessity to reveal the essence of such political metaphors and come up with corresponding strategies. since researches on american medias reports of chinas holding the winter olympics are limited, using political metaphor analysis to illustrate american political attitudes is acceptable.2.3.previous studies on critical metaphor analysis charteris-black (2004) first proposed the concept of critical metaphor analysis (cma). he points out that cma is aimed at using the analysis of metaphors to reveal the latent intentions by language users. chartris- black (2004:34-35) summarized three steps of critical metaphor analysis: metaphor recognition at the text level, metaphor description at the discourse level and metaphor explanation at the social level, which built a framework for critical metaphor analysis and made it more scientific. chinese scholars ji chen (2007) use cma as a method to analyze speeches by western politicians and find that cma successfully combines language analysis with cognitive understanding and social knowledge, opening up a new way of discourse analysis. they claim that in the analysis of metaphor, the research methods of cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and corpus analysis are introduced, which opens up a new way for discourse analysis. musolff (2012: 301-310) notes that from cognitive perspective, recognizing metaphors serves as the fundamental way which adds to cda by constituting from social contexts. based on previous studies, mohamed (2014: 96) attempts to assign the conceptual metaphors for different classifications of metaphors, because all the conceptual metaphors result from analyzing how to classify these metaphors.although various metaphor selection steps and standards have emerged in recent years, such as chateris-black's semantic tension, almost all researchers admit that the reliability of the research results is greatly reduced after the implementation of metaphor selection standards in specific empirical links. corpus approach becomes the most popular method adopted by scholars (xu, 2015). in a sense, the introduction of corpus method is a retort to the research path of cognitive linguistics, emphasizing the analysis of group rather than individual and intuitive materials, which solves the disadvantages of over-reliance on intuitive examples and separation from the real context in previous studies, so as to enhance the reliability of the research results.as present, cma is widely applied to the study of political reports or media reports. for example, it is found that nigeria politicians use metaphors to enact power and create a bond between governments and citizens (agbo, kadiri, ijem, 2018: 95). the strongest function is to dominate the audience conceptually and mentally. classifications of metaphors can be found widely in their speeches. nartey (2019: 129) suggests that in the rhetoric of kwame nkrumah, metaphors like conflict, war are deployed to warn people of the potential dangers. meanwhile, strategies like labeling stereotypes or victim-playing are used by him to defend against colonialism. not only in foreign countries, yu (2022) notes that china daily frequently use building metaphors to ease tension and seek for international collaboration, which can effectively consolidate chinas international image during the pandemic. cma plays an important role in identifying the intentions behind political discourses or media reports. taking cma as a powerful weapon, it makes sense to discover the hidden intentions behind political discourses and media reports.referencesagbo, i. i., kadiri, g. c., ijem, b. u. 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2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

MethodologyThis thesis is aimed to answer three research questions:(1)How are the metaphors constructed in American medias reports about Chinas holding Olympics Winter Games? (2)What political connotations do these metaphors reveal about attitudes toward China?(3)How American media use the metaphors achieve their specific goals?MIP-VUThe method for identifying metaphors is called Metaphor Identification Procedure. Steen (2010), in her books, presents the complete and effective way for determining the usage of metaphors in language based on the level of using words. The whole procedure is based on an overall and empirical corpus linguistic study in English. And how to conduct the procedure can be illustrated as follows: Read the entire text to have a comprehensive understanding to determine the lexical words. Then formulate and establish the contextual meaning of the lexical units, later determine whether it has more basic meanings (the word basic here means that the meaning of the lexical word is more concrete, precise, body-related, not the most used or frequently-used meaning). If we make a comparison between the contextual meaning and its basic meaning and then get understood by the context, we can mark the word as a metaphorical unit. In conclusion, when the basic meaning of a lexical unit differentiate from the actual contextual meaning, metaphorical meaning appears. The advantage of taking MIPVU as the methodology has been highly appreciated, because it can be applied to varieties of global languages, providing theoretically solid suggestions and guidance to enable researchers effectively identify metaphors used in various languages in a valid and realistic way (Nacey, Dorst, Krennmayr, Reijnierse, 2019). It is worth noting that this procedure is exclusive of direct or indirect metaphors.Categorization to metaphor analysisCharteris, in his book, proposed that his aim was to reveal the significance of being a master of understanding the relationship between language and thought could offer us the chance to be in control of the apparently overwhelming forces of modernity. Demonstrate the fact that using critical approaches to the understanding of those who dominate the discourse power in society- like politicians, public media, media barons, will provide kinds of factors for us to realize how they were affected to choose emotive words and expressions. By combining corpus materials from political discourses, American Presidential speeches, press reporting(media reporting), he had successfully categorized metaphors used in political discourses into several groups. According to the differences between the source domain and target domain, the categorization of metaphors in political discourses can be divided as follows: Conflict metaphors, Journey metaphors, Building metaphors, Religious metaphors, Performance metaphors, Light and fire metaphors (Charteris, 2004). Both metaphors mentioned above will have their keywords to indicate the existence of such metaphors. When recognizing the metaphorical keywords, we can easily mark the metaphors according to Jonathans theory of categorizing metaphors.

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