The Tragedy of the Deformed Child Ben in The Fifth Child开题报告

 2023-02-22 11:02

1. 研究目的与意义

There are a lot ofpsychological 'deformed children' in our life. This kind of deformityand imperfection are invisible, so it is usually ignored by people. However,the harm is more serious than physical deformity. With the rapid development ofmodern society, the pace of people''s life is also speeding up. People have notime to spare for possible psychological problems. Also, people preferbelieving in beautiful things to facing up to and admitting the concept of psychologicaldeformed children. Mental health should not be neglected, it is as important asphysical health. The significance of this paper can be understood in threeparts.

First of all, through theanalysis of Ben''s tragedy, this paper found that the lack of social belonging isthe key cause of his tragedy. Secondly, this paper argues that deformed charactersneed spiritual support to survive. In this case, their situation can beimproved. The purpose of this article is to appeal to the society to discardprejudice them and accept their differences. In addition, by analyzing theliving state of main characters of the book, this paper finds that thedifficult living situation is unable to meet the basic needs of people withphysical and mental disabilities, and the social bondage hinders theirself-realization, which leads to life tragedy or personality distortion.

Thispaper hopes people can better understand factors a child need in his growthprocess and how to treat the outcast in daily life. In addition, the paper willshow the absence and scarcity of love in modern Western countries through therelationship between family and society.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This thesis focuses on thetragic color of Ben in The Fifth Child and tries to arouse the love andconcern of the society and families for deformed children. There are fivechapters in this paper.

The first chapter is the introductionof the thesis. This chapter briefly introduces Doris Lessing, The FifthChild. It also clarifies the purpose and importance of this research. Thesecond chapter is literature review which brieflypresents the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on The FifthChild. The third chapter mainly analyzes the tragic color of Ben inchronological order. From his birth without blessing, to being ignored by thewhole family and finally drifting far away without a trace. The fourth chapteranalyzes the factors leading to the tragedy of Ben from three aspects: personalfactors include Ben''s own defects such as personality and the external factorsinfluenced by family members'' attitudes and social background environment.Chapter five is the conclusion. It reveals the tragedy of Ben again anddemonstrate the importance of family and society to children, especiallydeformed children. Finally, this paper calls on the community to pay attentionto and love deformed children, protect their physical and mental health so asto obtain a harmonious society.

3. 国内外研究现状

there has been a lot of researches on the fifthchild and marginalized people, suchas its classification, forms and causes. they analyze the book in depth fromfeminist perspectives, social ethics, loneliness and isolation, and personalitystructure. they show the alienation and decay of love in the family structureof contemporary western society. friedan, the leader of the american feministmovement in the 1960s, revealed the revival of the old values of 'femininemystery', which was the transformation of feminism in essence, from theperspective of sociology. the fifthchild by lessing reflects the generalphenomenon of the revival of the old family concept in contemporary britishsociety. the author describes how women fall into the trap of happy lifeadvocated by 'feminine mystery' with literary techniques, andexpresses lessing''s concern about the regression of women''s status in thepost-modern era. these efforts have proven fruitful to some extent.

marginalized people are anethnic group abandoned, excluded or ignored by the mainstream culture ofsociety (1908). although they live in society, especially deformed people, theyare on the margins, unaware of its internal mechanisms, and to some extentoutside the social group. in the modern metropolis, says simmel (1928),everyone becomes “a potential wanderer” and “a man without a foundation”. thisviewpoint has been adopted by many researchers later, making it easier todescribe such group of people. yet parker, at the human settlers and themarginals described in the immigration phenomenon and cross-cultural conflict,formally put forward the concept of “marginal people”, and defines it as twokinds of culture of a new personality type: edge is on the brink of twocultures and social person, and the two cultures and two societies never fullypenetrate and blend together.

iam going to study the deformed child in the fifth child. through the analysis ofben''s tragedy, i will find that the lack of social belonging is the key causeof his tragedy. deformed people need spiritual support to survive thus theirsituation can be improved, so we need to appeal to the society to abandonprejudice and release confinement against them and accept their differences. also,people will get a better understanding of factors a child need in his growthprocess and how to treat the outcast of our society in a correct way in anordinary life. in addition, the paper will show the absence and scarcity oflove in modern western countries through the relationship between family andsociety.


4. 计划与进度安排



1.1-an introduction to doris lessing


5. 参考文献

[1] barnet,correlli. the audit of war: illusion and dream of britain as a great nation [m]. london: macmillan, 1986.

[2] doris lessing.the fifth child, newyork: vintageinternational,1989.5.

[3] freud,sigmund.beyondthe pleasure principle. trans. jamesstraehey. newyork: w.w. norton, 1961.,qst.a=oamp;d=23246025.jan.10.2010.

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