
 2023-02-22 11:02

1. 研究目的与意义

Public service advertisements are designed and promoted to convey to the whole society good social virtues that are conducive to the harmonious development of society and human beings. An innovative and excellent public service advertisement can help people to reflect on their bad habits, which in turn can help to improve the bad social climate and create a harmonious society.Unlike commercial advertising, public service advertisements do not aim to make a commercial profit. As a special kind of speech act, public service advertisements need to study the characteristics of the public and intervene in people''s minds in order to achieve the effect of 'Doing Things with Words'. From the existing literature, the research on public service advertisements is far less than that on commercial advertising. Moreover, there is a lack of literature on the analysis of public service advertising design from the speech act theory.Speech act theory can be a good way to elucidate the potential connection between speech and act, thus helping speech to serve act in a better way.Therefore, it is very relevant and necessary to study how to design public service advertisements from the perspective of Speech Act Theory. Moreover, this research can provide a more perfect idea for the design of public service advertising and help optimize the future development of public service advertising.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

research content: analyze the inner connection between speech act theory and public service advertisements, and combine speech act theory to design quality public service advertisements that meet the development of the times and the psychology of the audience.

key issues to be solved: focusing on five major types of speech acts, supplementing by speech art and audience psychology, this paper aims to study the design ideas of different types of public service advertisements.



3. 国内外研究现状

research on current situation abroad:

foreign researchers in the field of public service advertisements have mainly focused their studies on mass communication design, evaluation and media communication.

lynn drew on fatalism to examine the persuasive appeal in public service advertisements and concluded that emotional appeal is a wise choice(lynn,j.r.,1974). one study identified measures of perceived effectiveness of persuasive messages by examining public service advertisements and established a causal relationship between perceived effectiveness and actual effectiveness(bigsby elisabeth, cappella joseph n, seitz holli h,2013).austin (1975) suggested that language does not only state and describe,but also act. searle(1969) proposed a classification of speech acts into five broad categories.searle proposed a theory of indirect speech acts.simona amp; daniel have conducted a study by a relevant identification, classification and analysis of the types of speech acts used in written advertisements, which led to the conclusion that effective advertisements usually resort to relevant speech acts such as informing, instructing, asserting, persuading and informing(simona simon amp; daniel dejica-cartis,2015)


4. 计划与进度安排

This paper is generally divided into five parts. The first part will introduce the relevant points of public service advertisements, mainly including the basic concepts and definitions, types, purpose and roles, functions and current development status. The second part is about the overview of speech act theory.This part will first introduce the definition and concepts of speech act theory.The detailed theoretical ideas of Saussure and Searle are presented next, respectively.The third part will declaim the connection between public service advertisements and speech act theory. This part will focus on the statement that the essence of public service advertisements is an act of speech.The fourth part is the core part of this thesis, which focuses on the specific idea of designing public service advertisements.This part will focus on five major categories of different speech acts to study the design ideas of public service advertisements.This part will also address the design of public service advertisementsfrom the perspectives of speech art, audience psychology, cause of linguistic misuse, speech act issuers and indirect speech act theory. The fifth part is conclusion about the whole thesis.

5. 参考文献

lynn, amp;j.r. . (1974). effects of persuasive appeals in public service advertising. journalism amp;mass communication quarterly, 51(4), 622-630.

bigsby, e. ,cappella, j. n. , amp;seitz, h. h. . (2013). efficiently and effectively evaluating public service announcements: additional evidence for the utility of perceived effectiveness. communication monographs, 80(1), 1-23.

austin, j. l. (1962).how to do things with words.oxford clarendon press.

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